Doesn’t it just annoy you when all of a sudden nothing goes right for days on end?

I thought with the current pandemic I would be able to get more work done than usual, but life has construed a different idea on me.

I had everything planned and all went well for the first few days and then problem after problem either with my health or my partner’s health. We have had more hospital visits than enough over the past few days, and of course, you are told very little when you do attend your appointments. It is usually you will hear from your doctor in a couple of weeks. Often the cure causes more problems than the illness itself.

As the appointments are slowing down and the problems caused by the tablets wear off so I hope to start working in a more orderly fashion again.

Today I have the plumbers in clearing up after a major lead in the main wastewater drain. The chances of doing much work today have gone out of the window as they can talk for England. The leak was several weeks ago but the insurance company has held everything up as ids their want.

There is so much work to do and so little time left to do it. Sleeping for 12-18 hours a time because of medication is getting me even further behind, but I am determined to finish the training and the projects that it will bring. I have twice before given up because of health issues and was hoping to have a few years free to work on my projects but life is in the way again.

The website is progressing a lot slower than I would like, but that is just the way it goes. If I don’t look after my health then I will have no reason to earn an income anyway. I have no intention of moving on to a new world yet so I will just have to get more strict with myself and buckle down to the work as soon as I can.

I intended to write at least twice a week but that is on hold until I can catch up with the training and do a lot more. There is nothing worse than trying to concentrate while you are tired or certainly not for me.

My training is moving so slowly because of my lack of concentration and the inability to stay awake for any length of time. Hopefully, the tablet that knocks me out finished today so I will be able to start catching up on some of the missed work and keep you informed of what I am learning and how easy it is to learn. What I have done so far has gone well and I expect that because of the thoroughness of the training my future learning will reach the same expectations.

Don’t forget you can also do this training in a couple of hours, or in many cases less per day just by going here.

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